GA4 Ecommerce Items Data Layer Version 1 Variable (or GA4 Ecom Items – DLV Version 1 as the Template is called in the GTM Template Gallery) is a Google Tag Manager Variable Template for Web.
This Variable for Google Analytics 4 (GA4) returns GA4 Ecommerce Items as Data Layer Variable Version 1. This ensures that Google Tag Manager will only access the most recent Item push into the Data Layer.
The Variable removes the need for clearing the ecommerce object in your implementation. If you have implemented object clearing you can also use this variable as extra “safety” in case the object clearing implementation breaks.
Full documentation of the Template can be found on Github.
As mentioned, the Template is available in the Google Tag Manager Template Gallery.
To learn more about the different Data Layer Version for Google Tag Manager, I recommend the blog post #GTMTips: Data Layer Variable Versions Explained by Simo Ahava.