Enhanced Ecommerce to GA4 Ecommerce GTM Setup

Google Analytics App+Web Ecommerce Purchase Tag

Since Google Analytics GA4 Ecommerce data finally are available in BigQuery, I hereby share my Google Tag Manager concept for using Google Analytics Enhanced Ecommerce implementation to track GA4 Ecommerce. This means that if you have Enhanced Ecommerce implemented, you can use this setup and send Ecommerce data to App+Web using your existing implementation.

The concept I share here can be used by everyone no matter how you have implemented Enhanced Ecommerce. The only thing you will have to adjust to your needs are the GTM Triggers for your GA4 Ecommerce Tags, but I will explain how you do that.

Update 1:

Since I wrote this blog post, App+Web have changed the name to GA4 (Google Analytics 4).

Update 2:

Although using Custom Javascript Variables to map Ehanced Ecommerce to GA4 Ecommerce is OK, an easier (and better) solution is to use a pre-made GTM Template instead. You will find several examples in the Google Tag Manger Template Gallery.

I have also created a GTM Template called GA Enhanced Ecommerce to GA4 Ecommerce Converter.

This GTM Variable creates either GA4 Events or GA4 Ecommerce Items based on the Enhanced Ecommerce Object or Google Tag Manager Variables. You can also map/rename Product Scoped Dimensions & Metrics, and map Enhanced Ecommerce Checkout to GA4 Events like add_payment_info and add_shipping_info.

The template is explained in detail on Github.

GTM Variables for GA4 Ecommerce

You will have to create 11 Data Layer Variables, and 7 Custom Javascript Variables in GTM for a complete setup.

Data Layer Variables

Create the Data Layer Variables shown in the table below.

Variable NameData Layer Variable NameParamenter Name or (Comment)Data Layer Version
ecom - ecommerce - DLVecommerce(Enhanced Ecommerce object)1
ecom - purchase - Id - DLVecommerce.purchase.actionField.idtransactions_id2
ecom - purchase - revenue - DLVecommerce.purchase.actionField.revenuevalue2
ecom - currency - DLVecommerce.currencycurrency2
ecom - purchase - tax - DLVecommerce.purchase.actionField.taxtax2
ecom - purchase - shipping - DLVecommerce.purchase.actionField.shippingshipping2
ecom - purchase - coupon - DLVecommerce.purchase.actionField.couponcoupon2
ecom - checkout - step - DLVecommerce.checkout.actionField.stepcheckout_step2
ecom - checkout - option - DLVecommerce.checkout.actionField.optioncheckout_option2
ecom - checkout_option - step - DLVecommerce.checkout_option.actionField.stepcheckout_step2
ecom - checkout_option - option - DLVecommerce.checkout_option.actionField.optioncheckout_option2

I’m using Data Layer Version 1 for my {{ecom – ecommerce – DLV}} Data Layer, so if you want to use Version 2 instead, you will have change some of the code in the Custom Javascript Variable {{ga4 – ecom – event – checkout – CJS}}.

Custom Javascript Variables

These 7 Custom Javascript Variables are doing the “magic” here based on the Enhanced Ecommerce object. 4 variables maps the Enhanced Ecommerce object into GA4 Events for Retail/Ecommerce, and the 3 others creates new GA4 Ecommerce objects.

If you wonder why we can’t just have 1 Variable for GA4 Events, and 1 Variable for GA4 Ecommerce object, the reason is that we are creating GA4 Events based on Enhanced Ecommerce Actions from the ecommerce object. Within the ecommerce object we could have Ecommerce Actions for Promotions, Impressions and Product Detail View at the same time depending on the implementation, and I have therfor splitted them into different Variables.

If that isn’t a problem in your implementation, you can of course reduce the number of Variables. In addition, I have created 1 Variable for the 3 different Checkout Events.

Custom Javascript Variables for creating GA4 Events

Generic GA4 Events

This variable creates the following GA4 Events:

  • view_item
  • select_item
  • add_to_cart
  • remove_from_cart
  • purchase
  • refund

Name the variable ga4 – ecom – event – product – CJS.

View Item List GA4 Event

This variable creates the following GA4 Event:

  • view_item_list

Name the variable ga4 – ecom – event – view_item_list – CJS.

Checkout App+Web Event

This variable creates the following GA4 Events:

  • begin_checkout
  • checkout_progress
  • set_checkout_option

Name the variable ga4 – ecom – event – checkout – CJS.

Promotion GA4 Events

This variable creates the following GA4 Events:

  • select_promotion
  • view_promotion

Name the variable ga4 – ecom – event – promotion – CJS.

Custom Javascript Variables for creating GA4 Ecommerce objects

Generic GA4 Ecommerce object

This variable creates the GA4 Ecommerce object for the following GA4 Events:

  • view_item
  • select_item
  • add_to_cart
  • remove_from_cart
  • begin_checkout
  • checkout_progress
  • purchase
  • refund

Name the variable ga4 – ecom – product – CJS.

Promotion GA4 Ecommerce object

This variable creates the GA4 Ecommerce object for the following GA4 Events:

  • select_promotion
  • view_promotion

Name the variable ga4 – ecom – promotion – CJS.

View Item List GA4 Ecommerce object

This variable creates the GA4 Ecommerce object for the following GA4 Event:

  • view_item_list

Name the variable ga4 – ecom – view_item_list – CJS.

GTM Triggers for GA4 Ecommerce

You can maybe reuse many of your existing Enhanced Ecommerce Triggers in GTM (depending of your implementation), but if you in your Enhanced Ecommerce implementation have very generic Triggers (like sending Ecommerce data with PageView), I recommend that you create new Triggers for GA4 Ecommerce, that only Triggers for specific App+Web Events.

In my case I have a Enhanced Ecommerce Custom Event Trigger for impressions. This Trigger is in this Enhanced Ecommerce implementation used for sending impression data both for product lists (impressions) and promotions (promoView). Since I don’t want my App+Web Promotion Impression Tag to be Triggered if the Enhanced Ecommerce object doesn’t contain promotions, I have created a custom Trigger for GA4 promotion impressions as shown below. You should be able to use the same concept for your GA4 Ecommerce custom Triggers.

GTM Tags for GA4 Ecommerce

You will have to create up to 6 different GA4 Ecommerce Tags in GTM depending on your implementation.

If you wonder why currency isn’t a Event Parameter in the setup, that is because currency is set in the Google Analytics: GA4 – Configuration Tag in my setup.

The Tags are listed in the Table below. Use the image of the Ga4 Purchase Tag as a reference to the content in the table.

Tag Name Event Name Parameter NameParameter ValueApp+Web Events
GA - App+Web - Ecom - Purchase{{app+web - ecom - event - product - CJS}}transactions_id
{{{ecom - purchase - Id - DLV}}
{{ecom - purchase - revenue - DLV}}
{{ecom - purchase - tax - DLV}}
{{ecom - purchase - shipping - DLV}}
{{ecom - purchase - coupon - DLV}}
{{app+web - ecom - product - CJS}}
GA - App+Web - Ecom - Checkout{{app+web - ecom - event - checkout - CJS}}checkout_step
{{ecom - checkout - step - DLV}}
{{ecom - checkout - option - DLV}}
{{app+web - ecom - product - CJS}}
GA - App+Web - Ecom - Checkout Option{{app+web - ecom - event - checkout - CJS}}checkout_step
{{ecom - checkout - step - DLV}}
{{ecom - checkout - option - DLV}}
GA - App+Web - Ecom - Product{{app+web - ecom - event - product - CJS}}items{{app+web - ecom - product - CJS}}add_to_cart
GA - App+Web - Ecom - View Item List{{app+web - ecom - event - view_item_list - CJS}}items{{app+web - ecom - view_item_list - CJS}}view_item_list
GA - App+Web - Ecom - Promotion{{app+web - ecom - event - promotion - CJS}}items{{app+web - ecom - promotion - CJS}}view_promotion

Some final words

In my existing Enhanced Ecommerce implementation, I have lot’s of Product Scoped Custom Dimensions and Metrics that I would like to send to GA4 as well, but that isn’t supported (yet).

App+Web is in beta, which we can also see in the documentation. There are conflicting/mismatching information between the GTM Implementation documentation, and the Enhanced Ecommerce migration documentation. You will find some differences in App+Web Event namings between those 2 documents. And yes, also other differences exist. In some documentation I have found an discount Item parameter, but I haven’t found discount as an Item parameter in BigQuery.

With other words, I don’t guarantee that I have everything 100% correct.

And finally, some of the concept/code in this setup is inspired by David Vallejo and his APP+WEB Enhanced Ecommerce Traspiler for GTM.

Happy analysing GA4 Ecommerce data based on your existing Enhanced Ecommerce implementation.

3 Comments on "Enhanced Ecommerce to GA4 Ecommerce GTM Setup"

  1. Thank you so much! I get the event “undefined” when having a product view.
    I used a simple Trigger url contains “product”.
    Would you know why?

  2. Thank you for sharing this method. Really helpful!
    I’m running into an issue with the events, maybe I missed something.
    What happens if multiple events happen on the same pageload? For instance, two view_item_list events are shown, or a detailview and add to cart happen on the same pageload. This returns empty/undefined values for me for the product objects. The datalayer has multiple product objects and ends up returning none of them. You seem to exclude this in your trigger, by setting it to not fire on undefined, but doesn’t this still mean you miss the second event?

  3. In case you read my previous comment, I found a simple solution to include in the js variables. It will only grab the last element in the array when you have multiple pushes. during one pageload. I’m sure you can find a more elegant solution to this though:

    if (eeAction.length > 1){
    var eeAction = eeAction[eeAction.length – 1];

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